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Choose Your Own Webventure! – Let’s Go Skiing – Final Statement

When I was first given this project prompt, I was trying to come up with some fictional series of events where the choices you have to make realistically affect the outcome of the series. The problem was in a fictional world, anything could happen, but in trying to make realistic choices matter to the story, the story ended up being pretty boring. If I try to make the choices and outcomes more fantastic and unexpected, the story loses its structure.

So instead, I decided to make a realistic, but relatable story, so that way the choices and outcomes could be simple, but the story remains interesting. This leads to my final idea of trying to go skiing on a Saturday. The fact that I have a lot of experience in this field helped the story come together easily. Other than fracturing my pelvis, I have lived out every part of the webventure. Then the last step was making the story funny, which was also fairly easy to do. I just used a bit of skier slang and threw in a few relatable details, and the result was this project.

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